Just Share about my activity

Well, now I’m feeling alone. I have many activities but it’s on the evening. Hmm okey I want to tell you about my new activity. You know that I’m a science teacher candidate. First I think it’s just related with my study activity. Until now I never think that I’ll be a teacher, a good figure have to keep the attitude and expression. Ehe… I think the most of people judging teacher profession like that, and so do i. But it’s not a wrong term, teacher should to be example for other especially his/her student. Yes I think teacher profession like a dedication of someone to the society.  Someone who want to be a totally teacher should have honorable character. But I think we all know only a few of teacher have it.. hahha I don’t know about me. I’m not sure. I’m an ordinary person who need express what I want to say, sometime I’m careless and don’t show the character of a good teacher, but when I practice to teach on the learning activity of the class, I’m enjoy and feeling happy. I don’t know why. Sometimes I assume that for the real I’m a communicative person but I seldom to interact with other , so when I have a chance to improving my skill (about communication) I interest and I do like there isn’t a load.  Ehee.. that’s a logic assume that I guess. So when it’s a right assume that’s not related with character of teacher. All of people maybe have a communicative skill, there’s not only me. And many profession need to this skill. But by the way… maybe that’s a good modal for me to be a good teacher, because teacher needs to be close with her/his student, they’re their world.

Oke back to my story about my new activity. Yes, I even enter a job application letter to a school for an additional teacher position. Actually I just want to exploring and improving what I have found on the college. Just fad,  because I need to kill the time. I’m a 4th year student and doing my thesis. Sometimes I think that I’m too wasting time, so I decide to apply this job. For the first time I do interview to get a job. Yeah then I enter to the school and get the position that I want. Also for the first time I meet a not good student character. Oh my God… do you know that I never listen a sordid word, moreover from a student?? Maybe you think that I’m crazy because I apply this job, but actually I forget to consider about the students of the school, I just think that I wont to be wasting time, I have to do worthwhile something. Just it. Hahha I even anger with one class of the school because their attitude was so bad. But from the time I learn that I have to be a patient and don’t easy to anger again. They just a child and we’ll still can form them to be a good person. And I’m just additional teacher so just relax. Hehehhe…..

I get the schedule of the school program to Tuesday and Thursday. Hmmm okey, I still relax… but then a few days ago I have a request from a teacher I respect to teach her students again. I can’t refuse the offer. I do this activity on Monday and Wednesday. So for that time I have two jobs at two different schools, besides job of additional lesson to individual student.  Just trying, hardworking and hard thinking. I believe that the process will form me to be a better person. Yeahhh. ..:)

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